DIMACS Workshop on Mathematical Hierarchies and Biology

Final Program

Wednesday, November 13, 1996

 8:45 - 9:00	Welcome to DIMACS and opening
	     	Fred S. Roberts, DIMACS Director and Boris Mirkin, DIMACS

 9:00 - 10:00 	George Estabrook, University of Michigan
		Ancestor-descendant relations and incompatible
		data: motivation for research in discrete math

10:00 - 10:35 	Ewa Kubicka, University of Louisville, KY
		(with G. Kubicki, F.R. McMorris) 
		The agreement metric for trees revisited

10:40 - 11:00 	Coffee

11:00 - 11:35   Fred S. Roberts, DIMACS 
		(with Li Sheng, Rutgers University)
                Phylogeny numbers

11:40 - 12:15   Teresa Przytycka, University of Maryland
                Sparse dynamic programming techniques for maximum 
		agreement subtree problem

12:20 - 12:55   Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, University of Aizu, Japan
                (with  John L. Rhodes, University of California, Berkeley)
                Krohn-Rhodes theory, hierarchies, and evolution

 1:00 - 2:00    Lunch

 2:00 - 3:00 	Mike Steel, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
		Dissimilarity maps and substitution models - 
		some new results

 3:00 - 3:35  	Shibu Yooseph, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
		(with Maria Bonet, Cindy Phillips, Tandy Warnow)
		Inferring evolutionary trees from polymorphic characters,
		and an analysis of the Indo-European family of languages

 3:40 - 4:00 	Coffee

 4:00 - 4:35 	Martin Farach, Rutgers University
		Evolution and additive metrics

 4:40 - 5:15 	Andris Ambainis, University of Latvia
		On maximal-likelihood reconstruction
		of evolutionary trees

 5:20 - 5:55 	Tandy J. Warnow, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
		(with Peter L. Erdos, Michael Steel, Laslo A. Szekely)
		A polynomial time algorithm for solving the 
		Cavendar-Farris phylogeny problem

 6:00 - 8:00	Reception at DIMACS

Thursday, November 14, 1996

 9:00 - 10:00   Andrey Rzhetsky, Columbia University, NY
                Testing fit of the "introns-early" and the "introns-late" 
                theories to the aldehyde dehydrogenase genes

10:00 - 10:35   Jody Hey, Rutgers University, NJ
                The fortunate failure of hierarchy in phylogenetic 
		and genealogical patterns

10:40 - 11:00   Coffee

11:00 - 11:35   Francois-Joseph Lapointe, Universite de Montreal, Canada
                Internal validation of phylogenies reconstructed from 
                distance matrices: An application of the jackknife

11:40 - 12:15   Pierre-Alexandre Landry, Universite de Montreal, Canada
                (with Francois-Joseph Lapointe)
                Estimation of missing cells in distance matrices prior 
                to phylogenetic reconstruction purposes

12:20 - 12:55   Mike Steel, University of Canterbury, New Zealand and
                Tandy  Warnow, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
                Bounded imperfection parsimony and optimal 
		tree refinement

 1:00 - 2:00    Lunch

 2:00 - 3:00    Andreas Dress, University of Bielefeld, Germany
                Weak hierarchies

 3:00 - 3:35    Robert C. Powers, University of Louisville, KY
                (with F.R. McMorris)
                The median procedure for weak hierarchies

 3:40 - 4:00    Coffee

 4:00 - 4:35    Panos Pardalos, University of Florida
                Complexity issues in hierarchical optimization

 4:40 - 5:00    Brigitte Jaumard, Ecole des Haute Etudes Commerciales,
                Montreal, Canada
                (with Yves Eggli, Hospices Cantonaux de Lausanne)
                Optimal diagnosis related groups

 5:00 - 5:20    Pierre Hansen, Ecole des Haute Etudes Commerciales, Montreal
                (with  Dominique de Werra and Michael Gerber, Ecole
                Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)

 5:20 - 5:55    Lawrence Hubert, University of Illinois, Champaigne, IL
                (with Phipps Arabie, Rutgers University and 
		Jacqueline Meulman, University of Leiden, Netherlands)
                The construction of globally optimal ordered partitions

Friday, November 15, 1996

 9:00 - 10:00 	Roderic D.M. Page, University of Glasgo, Scotland
		Reconciling incongruent gene and species trees

10:00 - 10:20	Coffee

10:20 - 10:55   Ilya Muchnik, Rutgers University, NJ
                (with Temple Smith, Boston University, Ma and
                Roderic Guigo, University of Barcelona, Spain)
                Reconstruction of ancient phylogeny via duplication-based 
                combining gene trees

11:00 - 11:35   Oliver Eulenstein, University of Bonn, Germany
                On the equivalence of two tree mapping measures

11:40 - 12:00   Olivier Gascuel, LIRMM, Montpellier, France
                Improving the Neighbor Joining algorithm

12:00 -  1:00   Lunch

 1:00 -  1:35 	Alex Meystel, National Institute of Standards, Washington, DC
                Learning algorithms generating multigranular hierarchies

 1:40 -  2:15   Iven Van Mechelen, University of Leuven, Belgium
                (with Seymour Rosenberg, Rutgers University, NJ)
                A family of two-sided hierarchical classification 
                models for binary two-way data

 2:20 -  2:55   Douglas Carroll, Rutgers University, NJ
                Multiple trees:  Fitting two or more tree structures 
                to dissimilarity data

 3:00 -  3:35 	Boris Mirkin, DIMACS
   		Linear embedding of finite binary hierarchies

 3:40 -  3:40   Bruno Leclerc and Vladimir Makarenkov, CAMS-EHESS, 
		Paris, France
                Circular orders of tree metrics, and their uses for the
                reconstruction and fitting of phylogenetic trees
                (Not attending)

 3:40 -  3:40 	P.S.Subramanian, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
		Bombay, India  
		Towards reasonable hierarchies
		(Not attending)

 3:40 - 4:00 	Closing session

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Document last modified on October 22, 1998.