Biographical sketch

CV in pdf format


1998Ph.D. 'Trapping in Disordered Systems', Dept of Physics, Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece
1993Physics Degree, Dept of Physics, Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece
1993-1997Student in the Dept of Computer Science, Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece (successfully completed 40 courses)


2015 Associate Director and Research Professor at DIMACS, Rutgers University
2012-2015 Research Associate at the Department of Ecology, Rutgers University (Lab of Prof. Nina H. Fefferman).
2008-2012, 2006-07 Research Associate at the Levich Institute, City College of NY (Laboratory of Prof. H.A. Makse).
2007, 2001-05 Post-doctoral position at the Computational Physics group, Physics Department of Univ. of Thessaloniki (prof. P. Argyrakis).
1999-2001 Post-doctoral position at the Laboratory for Polymer Reaction Engineering, Chemical Engineering Dept. and Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute, in the group of prof. C. Kyparissides.
1997Visiting scientist at the Institut fur Festkorperforschung, KFA, in Juelich, Germany (with prof. K.W. Kehr).
1994-1995 Scientific training at the Laboratoire de Photophysique et Photochimie (Director: Dr. D. Markovitsi) in Comissariat d'Energie Atomique (CEA), Centre d'Etudes Saclay, France


2013 APS Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society
2011 Distinguished Referee, European Physical Society
2009 Distinguished Referee, European Physical Society
2003-2004 Research scholarship from the Research Committee (Univ. of Thessaloniki)
2002-2003 IKY-DAAD travel fellowship for research in Giessen, Germany (prof. A. Bunde)
2000-2001 EIE-CNRS fellowship for research in Saclay, France (Dr. D. Markovitsi)
1994 Scholarship from Ministere Affaires Etrangeres of France for research at CEA, Saclay, France.
1993 Scholarship from the City of Heraklion for 1st place in advanced physics summer school
1993 Valedictorian at the Science Departments graduation, University of Thessaloniki
1990 Greek government scholarship for First Year studies achievement.

Teaching experience

2002-2005 Adjunct Professor, graduate course 'Simulation methods'
1999-2001 Part of the NAUSIKA group, developing an educational CD-ROM of virtual labs for teaching Thermodynamics in High-School students.
2000-2002 Teaching assistant, graduate course 'Simulation methods'
1996-1998 Teaching assistant, 4th year course 'Advanced Statistical Physics'

Research projects

I have participated in numerous research projects funded by NSF, the European Commission, the Army Research Laboratory, the Greek Ministry of Research, etc.

In most of these projects I have been actively involved as a co-author of the grant proposals.

Press coverage

The paper on obesity spreading was widely covered by the media, e.g. NSF Highlights, The Atlantic Cities, Physics World, Science Daily, Medical Xpress, Jeff Nesbit's "On the Edge" blog in US News, etc.

The paper on influential spreaders was widely covered by the media, e.g. Technology review, Science Daily, Fast company, Science for SEO, Emedia, wikio, NSF, India Times, etc.

The paper on the tolerance of scale-free networks was also covered by many homepages and newspapers, such as: Press Release, Plus magazine, Science Daily.

I was interviewed by Science News on the authenticity of Pollock paintings, based on their fractal structure.